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This is the first word I can think of to describe how I feel about my dogs and why I do what I do

How did I get started doing this?? Growing up I was the kid who always brought home the strays and wanted to help any injured animals. My family always had dogs and cats so I don't know life without the LOVE of a pet.

I went to the Detroit Kennel Club dog show at Cobo Hall at 17  and saw my first Akita in person. I fell in LOVE and went home and did extensive research on the breed. Within a year I had my first Akita puppy, Max. After Max I was so blessed to meet Bill & BJ Andrews and got my beautiful "Pie".


Fast forward to 2005 and again was blessed with finding my "Sammi", my first Labrador. She was and is my heart dog, and I miss her everyday. From day one I knew this was a gentle, kind, loving, extraordinary breed.


Labradors are the perfect family companion. They are great with other animals, gentle and loving with children.


My dogs are first and foremost my pets...

Everything I do is in the best interest of my dogs and puppies. They are raised and cared for in my home.


I belong to MMTD (Mid Michigan Therapy Dogs) & Fur Angels organization. So far in this journey me, Rhime and Spencer are certified Therapy dog teams.


I have been active in the dog world since 1984. I have shown my dogs, been a groomer, have whelped numerous litters of my own and for other breeders.

I do obedience, Fast Cat, Trick Dog and CGC titles on my dogs and am now doing Therapy work with them.


I have been a mentor to others just starting out in the breeding world. I go to seminars to keep up on new things in genetics, puppy whelping and training.


So LOVE is the first thing I think of and feel so lucky to do what I enjoy everyday.

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